There are many tattoo websites out there, and while they are a great way to discover new ink, you'll want to be picky when choosing a site.

The first thing to take not of the selection. Is the site only designed for one particular group? There are many sites many tattoos that "females only" site, or a site that seems tailored to particular social groups. Even if you are female you should consider another site that does not exclude so-called "man" design, as currently there are so many crossover tattoos. Many designs will look great on both men and women, so do not limit yourself to only the women's label ink, and the site only female.

High Quality Work. Reading the description of the tattoo site. Do say "high quality" on the go? As in their feature high quality work? This is the key to search. Usually if they say it, they must live up to it. With so much competition out there, you can eliminate sites that are smaller, with a focus on the only site that stress quality design.